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Copywriting that Calls You Home: A Woman Hiker Being Called Back to the Mountains

Copywriting that

Calls You Home.

Health and Wellness.           Psychology and Mindset.           Personal Development.

Madison Reid, Your Self Help Copywriter

I create community-growing and soul-affirming inbound marketing strategy and copywriting for life coaches and wellness professionals.

I specialize in writing for clients with a holistic approach in the fields of psychology, mindset mastery, functional medicine, addiction recovery, and fertility.

If you're here, you most likely:

  • Are deeply passionate about delivering top-tier care to your clients and patients, and work in the fields of healthcare, mindfulness, or personal development.

  • Have put in the start-up work and love engaging 1:1 with clients - you are passionate about making a real impact in the world. 

  • Know the value of aligning your web presence + content creation with your brand, but don't have the time, expertise, or desire to perfect your content creation and copywriting.

Hi there! My name is    

  Madison Reid  


You Don't Like Writing...

You love collaborating on big ideas and working to support your clients 1:1! You've tried, but sitting still and trying to translate your expertise, enthusiasm and energy into the written word has you banging your head against a wall.


Stop that. Be Kind to Yourself. Don't force your way into a mold that wasn't mean for you

You Don't Have Time...

A smart and driven entrepreneur, you've done your research and know the key to continued business growth is consistent custom content creation. 

With custom content generating up to 3x as many leads, while costing 62% less, you know the smart move is to invest in developing your brand identity and communicate your brand with consistent community-growing copywriting that gives your readers immediate value and helps them with their problems. This is key to building an authentic lifeline of trust between the two of you that lasts a lifetime.

You've Tried -- Nothing Seems to Work!

You've waited patiently, posting blog after blog and sending email after email - BUT NOTHING IS WORKING! 

No fear - carving out a spot on the web is tricky.  Sometimes we need an outside perspective to diagnose what's really going on, identify the root of your issues, and prescribe a way forward to a brighter, bigger future.

That's where I come in.

With Me You Get:

1 . Head-Turning & Eye-Catching Headlines.

Inspire your readers to click (and keep on clickin'...)

2 . SEO Friendly Keywords & Key Phrases. 

Reflect your brand + carve out a spot on the web just for you.

3 . In-Depth Market Research. 

Helps tap into your ideal clients organic search traffic & create content that provides immediate value in their lives. 

4 . Consistently Quality Copywriting. 

No matter how SEO friendly, Quality always trumps Quantity! Your brand-aligned copy should consistently build trust and provide value.

5 . High Quality Sources. 

Impresses your readers, shows your expertise, and strikes a chord with Google! When you link to relevant, highly-vetted sites, Google transfers their value and authority to you!

6 . Formatting for Skimmers.

A survey conducted by OptinMonster found 43% of web users admit to skimming. Formatting is crucial to hook these readers and keep them engaged!

7 . A Strong Call to Action (CTA).

Many coaches lose out on potential clients here! Copywriting is NOT Content writing. A Strong Call to Action guides your readers to their next steps, without icky sales tactics!

8 . A Growth Mindset & Empathetic Listening.

I love connecting with passionate professionals in the health and wellness world. You live by the *CRAAAZY* idea that self love, self worth, and compassionate support are the best way forward.

Oh, you resilient, life-affirming, balance-creating Guide.

You are spectacular. 

It's time you got paid exactly how much you're worth.

When you team up with me, we become partners.


I listen. I learn. I craft copywriting that sings your brand identity and provides life-changing value to your readers.


My goal? To return to you the gift of time, peace of mind, and the returns you deserve.

Millions of posts and blogs are added daily. Your readers are looking for you, but they're lost in a sea of content!

Whether you're working to create life-affirming and value-adding resources for your patients, or a mindfulness coach and mindset shift and personal development who wants take a break and watch clients come to them for a change -- 


You Need a Solid Inbound Marketing Strategy & Top-Notch Copywriting to draw in interested readers searching for you!


The power of copy is magnetic -

if you use it wisely.

More than any isolated campaign, a custom-crafted inbound marketing strategy that effortlessly lands you leads, combined with relevant, evidence-backed and user-friendly web copy is the #1 way to build a business that lasts. 


    & Rates

green sprout growing in nature in mornin

Blog Post
}$250 per 1000-word blog{

Grow your web-presence from a seedling to a mighty oak with inspiration-infused, highly-researched, and persuasive copy that helps your readers change their lives.

With each blog I build trust and authority with your readers, who'll gladly give you their email in reciprocity for your evidence-backed words of wisdom.

The process: I'll interview you to mine all the personal perspective and techniques that will make your blog one of a kind, combined with top-notch SEO research and market research backed by SemRush.

Image by Alexander Mils

Web Page Content
}$300 per page, min. 3 pages{

Carve out your own spot on the internet that draws in clients faster than bees to honey.


Each page of your site should be optimized for Google and jam-packed with relevant content that makes readers bookmark and come back daily for more.

If you're looking for just a few eye-catching phrases sprinkled onto a landing page without substance, we're probably not right for each other. If you want to position yourself as a thought leader and resource – hit me up.

Pink Clouds

Branding Consult

Soar above the clouds and crowded marketplace of self help gurus with an intentional, clear, and cohesive brand message.

I'll coordinate and infuse all elements of your business with the language, images, design, articles and offerings that support your mission statement and ring in your perfect clients.


Email Sequences

Want to turn that small trickle of clients into an unstoppable waterfall and see an immediate increase in sales?


I deliver laser-focused and irresistible email copy that ditches the sales-y tactics and embraces your voice, converting patiently waiting seekers into clients. 

Image by Clarisse Meyer

Social Media & Ads
}$500 for 3 posts/wk, 1 platform{

Become the bright guiding light that helps your future clients find their way to you through the cookie-cutter chaos of social media.


With brand-specific social media posting and advertisement bundles, I gently guide your clients on a star-lit path of inspiration to your business and what you have to offer.

(If you're looking to educate, inspire, and make an impact – you're who I want to work with.)

*Ask me about Bundles and Monthly Retainers*

Too Many Options? Don't know what you're looking for?

Need help with Landing Pages, Facebook Ads, Case Studies, or something not listed?

Let's hop on the phone to discuss.


Working with Madison was absolutely spectacular! I utilized her copywriting services for everything from my website copy, Instagram posts, LinkedIn posts, and content repurposing because she's just THAT good.


On LinkedIn alone, my visibility increased 3x more than before, I had posts hit 10k views, and was invited to speak on multiple podcasts and virtual events in just a few months of working together.


This is because Madison is so much more than copywriter, she's a true partner in your business. She takes the time to get to know your industry, your authentic voice, and doesn't stop until she nails it. She was able to effortlessly put my jumbled thoughts together and articulate exactly what I wanted to say every single time.


 If you're looking to take your writing to the next level, Madison is the copywriter you want to reach out to. Run don't walk to work with her!

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~ Cynthia Orduna

Career Coach for Multi-passionates



Recent Publications & Samples


1400 Word Blog for Stages of Recovery Addiction Services

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Landing Page Write-up + SEO


1500 Word Blog for Muse, EEG-Powered Meditation & Sleep Headband


2000 Word Blog for Pacific Beach Health

Contact Me

Get in Touch!

Ready to transform your copywriting so it welcomes home your potential clients?

Your message has been sent!



P.S. I'm so excited to learn about your vision for yourself and your business! You should be receiving a confirmation email shortly - make sure to check your spam box for upcoming communications!

Here's what we'll go over in our Zoom session:

Your Goals & Obstacles

What started you on your current journey, and where you want to go?

What are your major goals, and what's been stopping you from achieving them?

Dream Big! We'll go over your long-term vision, short-term goals, and any projects you have in the works.


I want to know your "WHY", and the direction you want to drive your business.

Your Brand & Content

What is your Brand Identity?

Who's your main demo/ideal client?


Is your brand missing the mark/unclear?

An unexamined & non-specific brand will hurt your company. We'll go over what your website says about your business.


We'll also identify areas to clean up so you speak more clearly to your clients.

SEO + Inbound Marketing

Are you coming up in Google Search Results?

Is your content tapping into the pain points & desires of your ideal clients?


Are you using key phrases that capture your ideal client's search questions?

We'll examine the inbound marketing strategy you're using to drive traffic + convert leads, & where your website content, blogs & marketing could use help.

What are you waiting for? Schedule your 30 minute discovery call today.

Want More?

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Follow me on social media for tips to make your copy sing!

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